
图灵奖得主,万维网发明人伯纳斯-李爵士。Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) w3.org, the place to agree on web standards. Founded webfoundation.org - let the web serve humanity"

特斯拉,SpaceX,OpenAI 和 Neuralink 创始人马斯克。Technoking of Tesla, Imperator of Mars

目前正在专注慈善和社会福利的比尔盖茨。Sharing things I'm learning through my foundation work and other interests.

老牌黑客, 自由软件倡议者,《Unix 编程哲学》作者 ESR。Hacker, writer, martial artist, and advocate of open-source software.

Unix 系统性能分析大牛 Brendan Gregg。I work on cloud computing performance at Netflix. Author of Systems Performance, BPF Performance Tools, and more."

Coursera 创始人,AI 大牛吴恩达。Co-Founder of Coursera; Stanford CS adjunct faculty. Former head of Baidu AI Group/Google Brain.

Working on Google Chrome。Engineering Manager at Google working on Chrome & Web Platform. Creator of tools for improving web performance. JavaScript, Images, Automation."

Brendan Eich,JavaScript 之父。Creator of JavaScript, co-founder of Mozilla & Brave, father of four, husband of one.

Python 之父 Guido 大师。Author of the Python programming language.

斯诺登。I used to work for the government. Now I work for the public. President at @FreedomofPress.

“Former Intelligence Analyst, former prisoner, now a Network Security Expert.” 曾经因举报伊战内幕轰动一时并遭受牢狱之灾的变性人,切尔西·曼宁。

Telegram 的创始人。Founder of Telegram and VK.

维基百科创始人。Founder of @Wikipedia, founder of @WikiTribune.

XKCD 漫画。xkcd updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

诙谐的程序员大师语录。Programming quotes and jokes.

CommitStrip 漫画。强烈推荐的程序员漫画。The blog relating the daily life of web agency developers.




国家地理。Taking our understanding and awareness of the world further for more than 130 years.

科技新闻。Covering the latest news in all fields of science. Tweets by @ThatMikeDenison and @wwrfd.

科学美国人。Awesome discoveries. Expert insights. Science that shapes the world.

谷歌 DeepMind 官方帐号。Solving intelligence to make the world a better place.

谷歌机器学习软件 Tensorflow 官方帐号。TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning.

火狐浏览器母公司谋智。Mozilla is a non-profit organization that works to ensure the internet is open and accessible to all.

英伟达高性能计算。NVIDIA HPC Developer is the online community for developers using NVIDIA technology for high performance computing.

Linux 安全杂志。News from the source.

红帽社区。The official Twitter account for the Red Hat open source community.

CronWeekly 系统管理员周报。A weekly newsletter for Linux and Open Source sysadmins.

Kaggle,世界最大的数据科学家学习平台与交流社区。The world’s largest community of data scientists. Join us to compete, collaborate, learn, and share your work.

O’Reilly AI 新闻。News and commentary from O’Reilly Media about artificial intelligence and machine learning.

NVidia AI 新闻。NVIDIA AI is the world’s leading artificial intelligence computing company.

C++ 周报和优秀库推荐。Weekly newsletter and awesome libraries for C++.

openCL GPGPU 计算新闻。OpenCL News and Information.

Secure The News。Tracking and promoting the adoption of HTTPS by news organizations around the world. A project of @FreedomofPress.

著名的经济学人杂志。The arts, books and culture website of The Economist. Follow for articles about books, art, film, music and more.

维基百科。Official Twitter account for the sum of all knowledge, Wikipedia. More on our social media。

维基百科创始人创立的新闻组织,旨在“将真实的新闻还给新闻业。WikiTribune is a news platform that brings journalists and a community of volunteers together. We want to make sure that you read fact-based articles that have a real impact in both local and global events."

福布斯杂志。Official Twitter account of Forbes, the world’s leading voice for entrepreneurial success and free enterprise.

Bloomberg 新闻。The first word in business news.

华尔街日报。Breaking news and features from the WSJ.

纽约时报。News tips?

华盛顿邮报。Breaking news, analysis, and opinion. Founded in 1877.